A question posed on a marketing blog caught my attention: “How might your attitude to writing your newsletter or blog improve if you saw every reader as a client?”
It’s a great question.
You know your clients, and care about them, and so when you write to them or for them, you communicate at a deeper, more informed level than you do when you’re writing to strangers. You understand your client’s business. You know their family. You know what they like and how they think, what they need and what they want.
You have a relationship with them and when you write to them, you are more relaxed, more open, and more genuine.
Why not be that way with everyone?
When you write a blog post or article, when you speak before a group, when you meet people while networking, think about them as though they already are your clients. You may know nothing about them (yet) but by showing them that you care about them and want to help them, when you generously share your knowledge and advice, when you have a conversation with them instead of talking at them, they will come to know you and trust you.
Some of them will become actual clients. This is a great way to accelerate that process.
Website? Blog? Newsletter? Here’s what to do and how to do it